RSVP for the GOTV Rally at the Carson Nugget Grand Showroom


America Is Worth Fighting for

Our Safety Our Elections Our Economy Our Financial Security

VOTE! Election Day:
Tuesday, November 5th

Lower Inflation & Bring Down Prices

Middle-class families don’t deserve what’s happening today and the stress and struggle that come with record inflation. The right leaders will end the runaway Washington spending that fuels inflation, higher gas prices, skyrocketing grocery costs, and unaffordable housing prices.

Secure Our Borders & Crack Down on Crime

Open borders have led to an influx of crime and drugs into communities not just along the border but throughout the nation. The right leaders will secure America’s borders once and for all, support ICE, enforce immigration laws, and ensure law enforcement has the support and tools to rid our communities of dangerous criminal illegal immigrants.

Protect the Vote & Increase Election Security

Commonsense election reforms are needed to restore Americans’ trust in the system – no doubts, no questions, all confidence. Voter ID laws are key to keeping our elections secure and protecting every voter’s ballot. The right leaders will step up to secure our electoral system by requiring voter identification and ensuring every vote cast is legitimate and counted.

Build a Stronger Economy & Create New Jobs

A stronger America begins with a stronger economy that creates opportunities for everyone to succeed. The right leaders will have the experience and unwavering belief that our free-market system needs to be freed of the red tape and bureaucratic regulations that stand in the way of new jobs and career opportunities being created for hardworking Americans.

America Is Worth Fighting for

VOTE! Election Day:
Tuesday, November 5th